Since the first Vaccine Injury Compensation claims were made in 1989, 2,999 compensation payments have been made, $2,334,879,190.38 disbursed to petitioners and $91,522,855.80 paid to cover attorney’s fees and other legal costs.
If Vaccines truly are safe and effective why is 75 cents of every vaccine sale put into this special fund? Why does this fund have its own separate court system to handle these claims?
What does Safe and Effective even mean? As far as Safety is concerned, being "safe" in medical FDA speak means that the majority of people don't have NOTICEABLE/ IMMEDIATE harmful effects from a drug/vaccine. If a Minority have Severe reactions that is still considered Safe. If the Majority have minor or even moderate health problems years later that is still considered safe because its easy to dismiss the causality of effect from the vaccine.
Effectiveness means that the Vaccines actually protect the individual from a given Virus. Epidemiological studies that show efficacy of Vaccines in the United states do not take into account improvements in hygiene and education that occurred at the same time as well as incidences of the same disease in other parts of the world. Most Success attributed to Vaccines is actually a result of a huge decrease in transmission of vectors and viruses from improvements in hygiene/ sanitation and education about the transmission of diseases. In most cases diseases decreased at the same rate as other countries where vaccines were not introduced. The common thread in the decline was improvements in hygiene, sanitation, education and the cyclic nature of diseases.
The sad reality is that Big money supports the lie that Vaccines are safe and effective. Its every parents choice to vaccinate (its not required to go to school in most states). There is very little potential risk of a child ever being harmed from the diseases they are vaccinated for (most wont even be exposed to the really harmful ones). There is significant GUARANTEED risk if you do vaccinate your child. Get educated!
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